Adding authentication

Celest Auth

Celest currently supports email-based authentication via one-time passcodes. This is a simple and secure way to authenticate users in your app without needing to worry about passwords.

We are working on adding social sign-in and passkeys in future releases.

Adding Auth to your Celest project takes 5 lines of code. Create a new file in celest/auth/auth.dart and add the following code:

import 'package:celest/celest.dart';
const auth = Auth(
  providers: [,

That's it! When you run celest start, Celest will automatically generate an Auth client for you to use in your Flutter app.

Signing In

To sign in a user, you can use the authenticate method on the celest.auth object. It's called authenticate because there is no longer a distinction between signing in or signing up! If the user doesn't exist, they will just be created.

final flow = await
  email: '',
// Prompt user for OTP code sent to the email
final user = await flow.verify(otpCode: '123456');
print('User signed in: ${}');

A full example of a typical auth flow can be found in our repo (opens in a new tab).

Authorizing your functions

Once a user is signed in, they can access functions marked @authenticated. To learn more about authorizing your functions, check out Authorizing functions.